Welcome to Sunny Daze Boutique!
About Us:

Launched Fall 2018, Sunny Daze Boutique is an online young women’s retailer that offers modern fashion and lifestyle pieces at an affordable price! Each product is hand selected for our customers. Striving to continuously provide the most current trends for an easy way to stay up-to-date on fashion.


Our Founder:
Individually owned and operated by Kaitlyn DeMarais, she started her passion for Sunny Daze Boutique in July 2018 and launched in September 2018. While studying consumer affairs and marketing at South Dakota State University, Kaitlyn applied her knowledge from school and various internships along with her work ethic into Sunny Daze Boutique. Currently working as a social media specialist for a corporate company full time, Sunny Daze Boutique is her ultimate passion. With nothing but the future ahead, the dream of Sunny Daze Boutique continues to grow.

Contact us at sunnydazeboutique@gmail.com! 


Last updated: 9/1/20